Functional masterbatch, polypropylene functional masterbatch, polypropylene heat-resistant temperature, polypropylene heat-resistant
[The functional masterbatch in the lunchbox, do you know?]
Release date:[2018/3/14] Read a total of[1043]time

At work

People who bring their own lunch boxes are not rare

Healthy, delicious and hygienic

In the home microwave oven

Also use the lunch box to heat

What harm does this unusual behavior have in the end?

Plasticizer hazards

In plastics, plasticizers are generally added. This is a widely used additive that enhances the flexibility and plasticity of plastics. The plastic lunch boxes for microwave ovens currently on the market are mainly made of PP or PE. When the heating temperature is higher than the plastic limit, the plasticizer may be released.

According to investigations, plasticizers interfere with the human endocrine system and affect the reproductive system of the human body, especially males. Ingestion of large amounts of plasticizers over a long period of time may damage the liver and kidneys and affect the development of growth.

Therefore, to avoid long-term heating of plastic lunch boxes with high temperatures.

Picking up a lunch box

1Select transparent lunch boxes

No matter what the material of the lunch box, should be selected as transparent, color products are mostly added color oil or other additives, after all, is not a good thing.

2 see the material of the lunch box

In the market, we often have plastic and glass lunch boxes. The plastic lunch box should be made of polypropylene (PP) material with high temperature resistance.

The borosilicate glass, crystallized glass, and titanium oxide crystal glass containers have stable physical and chemical properties and are extremely resistant to high temperatures, so they are suitable for use in microwave ovens for a long time.

The simple lunch box made of ordinary glass is only suitable for heating in microwave oven for a short time, about 3 minutes. Over time it is easy to burst.

3 regular replacement

If the plastic box is often exposed to heat and sunlight, it can easily damage plastic molecules and become fragile and aging. Therefore, it is found that plastic boxes become hard, transparent, atomized, deformed or scratched. If used in a microwave, it will release more harmful substances.

The shelf life of most plastic products is generally about three to five years. If it is used frequently, it should be replaced once a year.

Lunch Box Tips

Huabiao Plastic Technology,

Specializing in the production of functional masterbatches,

Improve product quality in an all-round way

Provide consumers with safer, healthier products.


Add HB101 to plastic products,

Can effectively improve the heat resistance of plastic lunch boxes,

Reduce shrinkage, cracks and other issues.

HB101 - Polypropylene, Styrene, Heat Resistant, Multifunctional Masterbatch

1.HB101 can solve the post-product deformation and improve the dimensional stability

2.HB101 can improve product rigidity

3.HB101 can improve the surface hardness of the product

4 can increase the polypropylene (PP) heat temperature 20-25 °C

5. Can effectively improve the surface gloss of products

Add HB101 to plastic lunch boxes

No longer have to worry about being killed by plasticizers every day

Use it with confidence and eat healthily

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