Foshan Shunde Huabiao Plastic Technology Co.,Ltd, plastic industry, plastic industry development trend
[The plastic industry is on the rise!]
Release date:[2023/2/23] Read a total of[177]time

The plastic industry is on the rise!

With the technological progress and consumption upgrade of modified plastics, the plastic products industry will maintain continuous growth, and the revenue scale of plastic products manufacturing market is expected to reach 3.29 trillion yuan in 2023.

With the gradual transformation and upgrading of the industrial structure, the proportion of high-grade products is gradually increasing, the basic supporting service function is constantly improving, the output of plastic products is growing, the market space is still large, the plastic products industry is still in the stage of rising development, and the transformation and upgrading are advancing steadily.

Foshan Shunde Huabiao Plastic Technology Co., a professional technical enterprise engaged in the research and development, production and sales of plastic additives, plastic masterbatch and special modified plastics.

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