Foshan Shunde Huabiao Plastic Technology Co., LTD., plastic industry, plastic products industry characteristics
[Downstream industry to provide strong support for the plastic industry!]
Release date:[2023/5/24] Read a total of[194]time

Downstream industry to provide strong support for the plastic industry!

Plastic products market demand is mainly concentrated in agricultural plastic products, packaging plastic products, construction plastic products, industrial transportation and engineering plastic products, etc.

Plastic products are widely used and the huge downstream industry provides strong support for the development of plastic products industry. With the introduction of the Planning Rules for Revitalizing the Petrochemical Industry, the plastic products industry ushered in new development opportunities.

Foshan Shunde Huabiao Plastic Technology Co., a professional technical enterprise engaged in the research and development, production and sales of plastic additives, plastic masterbatch and special modified plastics.

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