Plastics industry, plastic products industry production in 2024, plastic products industry development trends, plastic industry growth,Huabiao Plastic Technology Co.,Ltd
[January - February 2024 plastic products industry production situation!]
Release date:[2024/4/28] Read a total of[68]time

January - February 2024 plastic products industry production situation!

With the increasing awareness of environmental protection, the plastic products industry pays more attention to sustainable development, continuous innovation and development of new processes, new materials, new products, to meet the new needs of consumption, while digital transformation helps the industry to significantly improve production efficiency, reduce costs, and promote the smooth operation of the industry economy.

From January to February 2024, the national plastic products industry output of 11.889 million tons, an increase of 7.8%.

Huabiao Plastic Technology Co.,Ltd is a professional technology enterprise engaged in the research and development, production and sales of plastic additives, plastic functional masterbatches and special modified plastics

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